
Don't Tread On Me...

Don't Tread On Me... Now most are familiar with this motto I'm sure, I don't know 13 letters that will ever say more. Just 4 simple words, that's all most people see, Then there are free people, people like me. We bow before no man, no ruler, no king, And our so called government is about the same thing. Together they plot, the liars and thieves, Murderous bastards only driven by greed. The more people they murder, the more money they make, But "Don't Tread On Me" says your money is fake. Never been dependent on the story you sell, Before I worship your dollar, I'll see you in hell. Yet the most shocking part of their devious plan,  Is the people who buy it, led to slaughter like lambs. You're nothing but cattle in the eyes of "The Man," He buys you and sells you and you allow it to stand. You're blind to reality, You're completely asleep, Kept a slave by distractions, kept obedient with "treats....

A Cry for Unity and Common Sense

I fully understand Ron Paul may not fit the mold as a true "Conservat­ive" or” Republican,” and frankly that is exactly what the next president needs, a separation from the political labels and corruption that is associated with them. However I continue to be disgusted by the lack of coverage he receives from the main stream media due to his Libertaria­n affiliatio­n. His common sense approach and unfalterin­g dedication to the Constituti­on has lifted him to the status of champion regarding OUR civil liberties. I ask you to take a moment and really consider the following: When was the last time a candidate emerged whose only agenda consisted of protecting the best interest of country and citizen?  I can look in this man’s eyes and see his earnest concern for the people who he yearns to represent. That alone is something unheard of today…A public servant with a genuine concern for “We the People.” What more is needed in order to validate him as the choice for the Preside...
‎Cool" isn't worth spit on the sidewalk these days (nor is the US dollar, but that is a rant for another day)...Seek the truth with reckless abandon and you will find that,surprisingly enough, "cool" evolves into"unable to be blinded... When you put aside the distractions of everyday life as we know it, that will allow you sight... through the smoke and mirrors and illusions that surround & suffocate us all...Pay attention folks, you'll need to sooner than you think...

Re-print: "Ode to the Nice Guys" by Fu-Zu Jen

Ode to the Nice Guys This rant was written for the  Wharton Undergraduate Journal This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style. This is for the guys who escort their d...

"Hater in the Rye"

A brief conversation that I have titled:  "Hater in the rye" Tuesday:Bruno Mi (via Facebook message) So that Unfiltered page is yours? WTF is it supposed to be? Looks like a catch-all for pot jokes but not much actual info other than busts and shit... Wednesday:Jeremy Fink(via Facebook Message) Thank you for the feedback. It is simply a forum for like minded people...I add things that interest me that I read in the news. I am glad you stopped by and read at least the first half of the visible page...If you read the description in the info it says it is a "page for the open minded, critical thinkers who have a disposition towards logic and common sense." I know we all can't see eye to eye on everything but I try to entertain and bring certain things to light that everyone may not be seeing. If it is too dull for you may I suggest Fox News, MSNBC, or one of the other numerous main stream media outlets...Perhaps Bill O' Reilly is something you would...


“Federal Cock” (copyrighted 2011 Unfiltered Forever Inc. ) "The powers that be" blatantly continue to play upon the obsessions and addictions of Americans, taking every advantage to distract us from the things they are doing right under our noses. Funny… you can immediately smell “ shit ” if you step in it, but when it’s “ shit ”   going on right under our very noses, “ shit ” that is deep, “ shit ” that is pungent unlike any other “ shit ” we have ever experienced, “ shit ” that these pieces of “ shit ”, whom prefer to be called "politicians or elected officials" and let’s not forget the purely laughable " Public Servants"   have wiped from their wealthy, greedy, corrupt, ( and don't forget) CRIMINAL asses with the very Constitution and Bill of Rights that protect us "Average Joe's" and our freedom, “ shit ”   that will ultimately enslave us all to Government and its elitist agenda and destroy what little freedom we have left, if a...

Qualities I would like to find in the woman for me....

At the present and well ripened age of thirty-four and three quarters I think I have followed due diligence; experienced through experience, and now finally recognize the qualities I would seek out in a woman if the chance at love were to wander my way again... The woman I am seeking would need to be: Honest... Intelligent... Corny... Funky... Hilarious... Witty... Funny... Romantic... Personable... Responsible... Independent... Silly... Reliable... Trusting... Decisive... Supportive... Loving... Affectionate... Open-Minded... Adventurous... Spontaneous... Experimental... Conce rned... Spirited... Teachable... Soulful... Manageable... Serious... Inspired... Low Maintenance... Inspirational... Appreciative... Opinionated... Talkative... Classy... Interesting... Forgiving... Incorrigible... Sexy... Emotional... Respec ted... Slutty... Culinary... Sarcastic... Respectful... Confident... Organized... ...