
Showing posts from December, 2009

Sparkles and Shimmers...

                                                        A Poem by:  Jeremy C. Fink It sparkles and shimmers and I shiver as it fades, not to black, only to memories of love and laughter we've shared.  I lie here quite often and simply whisper your name just to feel it gently move across my lips as if to replace this loneliness with joy, joy of the love that we share. I try not to cry and it works most times, except on occasion when a particular remembrance strikes my very soul and then I realize we are apart and I shatter like a pane of thin glass.  Something so meaningful, so beautiful, it would be unjust to not shed a tear on its behalf. All my memories of you and our love are so vibrant and brilliant. I can only compare them to how I feel when I get lost in your smile or your eyes and the number of times I have done...

The war we should be fighting....

Each year politicians promise Americans that they will lead them to salvation as a country only because they need their votes in order to secure their place in life. They care not for the needs of the people or what is best for the nation. They only care about job security for themselves and public reliance on a government that they have corrupted to the point of chaos.   If and when they achieve what they desire they then must play it cool so as to not discard the trust that they have won with their silver tongues and empty promises. Once they have reached the pinnacle that they have strived for, they are quick to turn their backs on those who put their faith in them so freely and eagerly, those who hoped for brighter days and for changes that will never come. They pass their laws and hurry to advance their personal agendas before the people grow wise to their mistruths and cast them out. It has gone on for far too long and yet those who have the power of change at their finger...

Another example of whats wrong in America today....

I was talking to my 13 year old cousin this evening via instant messenger because she has been having some issues with her laptop. It has been making this high pitched whirring sound that I am not entirely sure what to think of. I personally don't buy into the laptop hype. I love the portability idea behind them but I just think it is a way for computer manufacturers to rake in more money by marketing and providing product that will at some point be damaged and need to be replaced more frequently than a desktop computer. With a desktop, I don't have to worry about dropping it or leaving it on an airplane. I think I have made my case. Anyway, we were discussing what could possibly be the reasoning behind this strange noise emanating from her laptop when we got a bit off subject and began talking about school. She made mention of how anytime she hears about a new computer virus she immediately comes home and researches it and checks to see if it may affect her computer  i...

My two cents worth...

Today's topic came to me as I was going about the duties of my day today. Yesterday afternoon on our way home from shopping our car decided to shut off while doing 65 mph on the highway. Not the greatest thing to have happen to you. We pulled off to the side of the road and tried a few times to get it to start again to no avail. After a few minutes of piddling around under the hood, I told my Girlfriend to call the towing company in our town and get us a tow home. I had an idea what was wrong and I thought I could fix it. We got home in the early afternoon and I messed around with it for a little while and determined that it was one of three things: (I am pretty good with solving problems) 1. It could be the battery needed replaced. It was almost 9 years old after all. 2. The starter was bad, and I started to lean away from this theory due to the fact that I had just replaced it less than six months prior. or  3. The neutral start switch in the steering column was bad. This te...

Wanted: Constructive criticism...

I am in great need of feedback and constructive criticism regarding my writing and blogs. I am willing to accept all that I can get as long as it falls within the following guidelines... 1) It doesn't disagree with what I say, believe, or write about. 2) It doesn't hurt my feelings in any way or make me angry, sad, upset, disappointed, negative, pessimistic, depressed, or question my opinion and sanity. 3) It doesn't make me do or think anything I don't want to (I don't think I could take that type of thing) 4) It doesn't have anything to do with your opinions, beliefs, or what you think is correct, moral, or important. 5) It doesn't make me question myself as to why I asked you at all. Note: This list is subject to change at my discretion, anytime, regarding anything I decide. Thank you