
Showing posts from May, 2010

Getting Answers-Part 1...

Anyone who knows me knows that I am weird...that is to say I have always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I have always lived my life the way I wanted to and that hasn't always agreed with everyone involved in my life and probably still doesn't. It has provided me with legal issues and hindered my ability to do many of the things I truly desire in this world.  I do not however let it get me down anymore...  I was severely depressed for many years and turned to alcohol as a way to cope with what life was dealing me. Along the way there were failed relationships, stints in jail, a felony conviction, the loss of a marriage, and numerous other things. Some folks figured just because I chose a path in life that I needed to take that I was trash or a loser...not so. I have always been a thinker, a scholar, a learner. I have always had an insatiable appetite for knowledge and a heart of gold. I have been seeking answers my whole life and just recently I have begun to find...