
Showing posts from November, 2009

The Pittsburgh Steelers and solving the problems at hand...

Well my beloved Steelers are on the cusp of not making the playoffs for the first time in as long as I care to remember and I am sure the haters and doubters are in full effect here in Western PA. However, instead of negativity and pessimism, I offer a different perspective on last night's game, a more positive outlook. Let me start by saying Dennis Dixon did one hell of a job in his first NFL start last night. Anyone who is saying otherwise is an idiot when it comes to the game of football. He managed the game as well as anyone could have dreamed for. He had respectable passing numbers which were held in check by the offensive game plan that Bruce Arians chose to employ, and I believe that was also for a reason, and a smart one at that. You don't ask a second year guy to go out and WIN the game for you in his first career start against the Baltimore Ravens, one of the best defenses in recent history. He rushed for 27 yards and a touchdown on three carries, that's 9.0...

Some of the things wrong with this world today...

After suffering a fairly serious bicycle accident this past weekend, I have not posted anything recently and for that I apologize. I went face first through the rear windshield of a minivan on the street where I live. I was looking over my right shoulder to move from one side of the street to the other, and when I turned back around-BANG!!! I crawled up to the front door of the people whose van I hit and asked them for help which they promptly gave me, as any good person would do. They called the police, ambulance, and my girlfriend and were very helpful giving me towels to stop the bleeding and were there to comfort me until help arrived. The police arrived, took a report, assisted me to the best of their ability and kept me calm and immobile until the paramedics arrived to transport me to the hospital. My girlfriend also ran several blocks down the street to where the accident occurred under the impression that a car had hit me. No my love, it was I that hit the car with my f...

The war on drugs...

I favor a common sense drug policy, as it was called by Rolling Stone editor, Will Dana.  Eric Holder ( US Attorney General) has gone on to make it known publicly as official policy that the feds won't waste American resources busting patients and distributors who are in "clear and unambiguous" compliance with state medical marijuana laws." This makes me happy because it is step in the right direction on our government's part in regards to having this "common sense" approach to drug use. Finally allowing free thought and action by adults on a agricultural product that has been grown and sold for years and could be taxed and regulated in order to boost the economy and stimulate jobs. It is controversial and I am not saying that kids should be allowed to use it or make that decision for themselves without being thoroughly educated, and if folks use it irresponsibly that they not be held accountable for their actions, much in the same way that we h...


Hello Everyone! I just want to thank everyone who has taken the time to stop by and hopefully be entertained by my random thoughts and quick wit. For those of you who personally know me, you are most likely familiar with my story. For those of you who do not know me, let me share a brief introduction of who I am. My name is Jeremy Fink and I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I will go into depth more about my past and life's history in future blog posts. I am the walking talking definition of a miracle in my own opinion and if you continue to come back and read about my life and my experiences, you will grow to understand why. In a nutshell, I was born to be a writer. I feel like I have no greater talent than expression through words. I trust in them above all other things. I have a random and dark sense of humor, full of sarcasm and questionable logic. Most people who have experienced it have grown to greatly appreciate it in their lives. I am a western P...