
Hello Everyone!

I just want to thank everyone who has taken the time to stop by and hopefully be entertained by my random thoughts and quick wit. For those of you who personally know me, you are most likely familiar with my story. For those of you who do not know me, let me share a brief introduction of who I am.

My name is Jeremy Fink and I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I will go into depth more about my past and life's history in future blog posts. I am the walking talking definition of a miracle in my own opinion and if you continue to come back and read about my life and my experiences, you will grow to understand why.

In a nutshell, I was born to be a writer. I feel like I have no greater talent than expression through words. I trust in them above all other things. I have a random and dark sense of humor, full of sarcasm and questionable logic. Most people who have experienced it have grown to greatly appreciate it in their lives.

I am a western Pennsylvania resident and a Pittsburgh Steelers MANIAC! I also root obsessively for the Pittsburgh Penguins, Penn State Nittany Lions, and Louisville Cardinals (I spent my adolescence in central Kentucky, my parents and sister still reside there).

This blog will feature thoughts and opinions on everyday life, pop culture, current events, sports happenings, politics, personal philosophy, and many other topics each and every day. I will try to have this blog posted no later than 9 am EST daily.

I have been to jail numerous times for numerous things, all of them a result of my addiction and selfishness. I have made an atrocious amount of mistakes and poor decisions and paid the consequences for most of them. Luckily, I am still around to tell my tales to those of you that will listen.

I have a strong loving family, great friends, and a wonderful girlfriend, who have given me their love and support all along the way, even during my worst. I feel I now owe them my best each and every day.

Through my experiences and writing I intend to convey my philosophy, entertain my readers, and educate those who are willing to hear my message.

I invite all of you to visit each day, and tell anyone you may come across in your daily journey about my blog so that I may reach out to as many people as I can and help in any way I can.

I whole heartedly encourage comments, feedback, constructive criticism, and discussion on any of my topics/blogs. Feel free at anytime to let me have it all...I appreciate it all and will only gain insight and perspective from it.

I will also say that there will be mature subject matter and adult language in these posts from time to time, but hopefully not to the point that I sound uneducated.

Hope to hear from you all soon and Enjoy!


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