“Federal Cock”
(copyrighted 2011 Unfiltered Forever Inc. )

"The powers that be" blatantly continue to play upon the obsessions and addictions of Americans, taking every advantage to distract us from the things they are doing right under our noses.

Funny… you can immediately smell “shit” if you step in it, but when it’s “shit going on right under our very noses, “shit” that is deep, “shit” that is pungent unlike any other “shit” we have ever experienced, “shit” that these pieces of “shit”, whom prefer to be called "politicians or elected officials" and let’s not forget the purely laughable " Public Servants"  have wiped from their wealthy, greedy, corrupt, ( and don't forget) CRIMINAL asses with the very Constitution and Bill of Rights that protect us "Average Joe's" and our freedom, “shit  that will ultimately enslave us all to Government and its elitist agenda and destroy what little freedom we have left, if any at all.

Strangely enough "We the People" would rather play Call of Duty ,watch Survivor & American Idol, or simply believe what the main-stream media pumps out of the Rot-Box...the calming and soothing sounds of how:

“Things are looking up in America", and how our "War Machine" and all our brave, young (Unaware and Brainwashed) soldiers are doing a fabulous job protecting us from: (Insert the current Terror Cell, Dictator, Tyrant, Government, or other Enemy of the State du jour we are targeting for its resources or lack of cooperation with "our" agenda here.) 

Oh! Don't touch your remote control... Glenn Beck’s here to talk about Christianity, its relation to everything American, and why Conspiracy Theory and radical political theory should be punishable by castration, followed by death." Funny how the pot calls the kettle black when it comes to fanaticism!

Everything that comes out of main stream news markets is a lie.

" How do you know for certain?" you say. ..Because their lips move and they read whatever comes across the teleprompter just like Ron Burgundy did...

It is calculated, calming, lip service that makes us feel safe in our SUV's and Sleep Number adjustable beds at night.


Not much more and certainly nothing less...

You know Propaganda...

That stuff that Hitler used to gather approval and trust from his citizens. 

Their (The Media) job is to get you to be so comfortable and uninterested in what's really happening outside your spectrum of view that you hit the "On-Demand" button so you can watch the replay of last night’s UFC PPV, meanwhile they go about their business as usual changing the law to suit their needs while our Constitution and our civil liberties wind up an afterthought and in some cases an inconvenience upon progressive and elitist agendas...

Not much more than a soiled paper towel, a symbolic sweat rag simply tossed aside once the Government gets its “nut.”  It's hot, sticky, diseased load blown up the back of working class Americans, senior citizens, and the rare politician who decides to honor his constituent’s requests and actually do his job the way it was intended...

Yessiree!! The Government loves screwing with ' "We the People" each and every chance it has, even if we say "no", no doesn't mean no when it comes to Government abuses, no means: "Watch Monday Night Football while we lay even more groundwork towards a New World Order...
 and get up on your hands and knees while you watch it so we can bury the Federal cock good and deep in your mindless sheep genitalia...

Federal Cock?

Hmm that would make a good name for a band or my website…have to write that down.

The Federal Cock- my metaphor:

It could be a debt ceiling increase…

 It could just be the public debt weighing in at just under 5 trillion (how many fucking zeros is that again?)…

It could be the spin on the B.P. Oil environmental (cluster-fuck) tragedy whose tune goes something like: 

"Yeah, we fucked up, we really kicked Mother Nature in the cunt, but it has created job stimulus due to cleanup needs AND we have a few billion available to shut you poor, Gulf Coast, tree-huggers the fuck up... 

Now hold out your hand, take the money, and then pull down your pants and bend over...

By the way, Mr. President and Senate sub-committee on energy, how much did you say our tax break was going to ring in at this year?"

It’s all about the money folks, and guess what...
We spend it faster than the Fed can vote to print more of the worthless shit.
Our money is so worthless it costs an American visiting China six million for a pack of cigarettes today...right at a quarter billion for a Toyota Corolla...

Do you see what I am getting at?

They stopped having our best interest in mind so long ago I can’t remember ever seeing it happen. We worry about "the laws" and breaking them... (most of which are in place to control the population at large by imprisonment (slave labor if you want to call a spade a spade) for crimes that carry mandatory minimum sentences for such ridiculous things as marijuana possession, possession of meth precursors (not actual meth...just batteries and a box of over the counter allergy meds can get you time) and other drug related nonsense.
 Nonviolent, victimless crimes in most cases are enslaving a young generation to privately held corporate prisons all over America where they are held in unsanitary, overcrowded, and inhumane living areas. They are paid sometimes a dollar( of our worthless money) a day to perform back breaking labor just to be allowed some semblance of freedom and humanity by working on a chain gang or other prison work program.

 Seventy percent of my generation has a felony conviction...SEVENTY PERCENT...What the fuck is wrong with that picture folks!!!

To the Government, not a damn thing...they have a way to get things done cheap, so cheap in fact that some citizens have actually lost their jobs in order to be replaced by prison work crews simply to save a little more of our almighty and worthless monopoly money...

Until they finally decide to crash the economy...
And we lose our border sovergnty with Mexico and Canada…
And the North American Union (Google it if you’re not familiar) finally sticks it s beady little eyes from beneath the rock where it has been hiding.
”Hi there, I’m the N.A.U, we are a globalized government society comprised of the US, Mexico, and Canada...Your lands are no longer yours, they belong to US now and the new money you will be using is called the "Amero", we will be exchanging old US Dollar currency for the New NAU currency at .22 on the dollar...please form a line to exchange currencies and be fitted with your mandatory RFID chip...”

You think I am making this shit up? Ask a Native American…

 Do just a little research folks...we can all wake up and care.


Aunt Doo said…
Great writing Jeremy, this is absolutely your calling!
I agree it is my talent and calling...just isn't anyone cutting checks to pay the bills and survive on...

Been a bad week, hope I can find something interesting to be creative with.

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